So guys... I'm a needing tree fiddy - just like a good Loch Ness monsta - but this to fix my goddam car.
I was riding Audi A4 avant- 1994. For 2 years it stays in front of my home - and it requires urgent repairs that are around $3500 ($3755 - to be more precise )/ these are the tree fiddy I was talking about . So I'm doing commissions - gathering the cash to send my old car for repairs. My wife want me to sell it - and get rid of it.... you see - it's useless - a grass is growing inside of it - even some cats started to hide somehow inside...
It's old - I know - it looks sad - and the repairs are expensive, BUT - my kids grew up in here / they are still small / - but the car has sentimental value to me. I have feelings for it.
Can't go back to web designing - because I left it for good , can't go for MMA fighting - because my arm is weak (actually I never fought in MMA or fought at all ) - only thing that left for me is to draw.
I guess I must do about 120 commissions at the price of $30 in order to get these money - heh.